A2 Racer 3

Official Title: A2 Racer Europa Tour Common Title: A2 Racer Europa Tour / A2 Racer III Europa Tour Serial Number(s): SLES-02695 Region: PAL Languages: Dutch Genre / Style: Driving / Racing Developer: Davilex Publisher: Davilex Date Released: 29 September 2000 A2 Racer - Europa Tour is the part 3 in the Dutch A2 Racer series takes the player to London, Berlin and Vienna. The gameplay remains the same with illegal street races on well known highways and cities. During the races players have to collect power-ups, like money, fuel and time extensions.
He has to avoid getting caught by the cops and reach the finish line before his opponents do. The game can be considered as a version of London Racer but since London Racer starts in London and this one starts in Rottherdam the game is different. Manufacturer's description: 'Spectaculair racespel door Europa' Stop nu in en leef je uit op de drukste stads- en snelwegen von Europa! A2 Racer III - Europa Tour neemt je mee langs de snelwegen en de drukste straten von o. Hate Me Now Nas Clean Version. a.

Londen, Berlijn, Frankfurt en Wenen. Race door blokkades van de Duitse Polizei of de Engelse Police.
Beleef specatculaire achtervolgingen, vrij-rijden, jumps, nachtrijden en keiharde batsingen. Niet bekend met de Engelse of Duitse verkeersregels? Geen probleem! Rij over de vluchtstrook, via de verkeerde weghelft, door rood licht en zelfs over de stoep. Alles mag en kan. Durf jij de uitdoging aan?
Want er luidt weer maar een regel: winnen. Includes cover (front & back) Load cue with Imgburn and burn at 4x speed* * Burn speed may depend on your brand of CD-R's and what your playstation will except.
Download A2 Racer 3 (Racing game) - Good and dynamic racing car game. Though the previous version of this game had a lot of issues, but they have brought many i. For A2 Racer III: Europa Tour on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion. IGN is the A2 Racer III -- Europa Tour resource with reviews, wikis, videos, trailers, screenshots, cheats, walkthroughs, previews, news and release dates. A2 Racer 4 - Etappe 3 - Rotterdam - Duration: 10:32. MSWindowsinside 2,315 views. A2 Racer III /.