Alvin And The Chipmunks 3

Alvins And The Chipmunks:Chipwrecked is a terrible movie,the three Alvin And The Chipmunks movies aren't well received but to be honest I enjoyed the first two,but this one is absolutely awful,in the first two they sing a lot but at the right time,in this they just sing whenever they feel like it,but the thing I hate most about this movie is the god awful Zoe,played by Jenny Slatewho is just a stupid character,although I do like The Chipmunks themselves,not so much for the Chipettes. The Chipmunks,The Chippettes and Dave go on a cruise on there way to the international movie awards,but The Chipmunks and The Chippetes get stuck on an island (long story) and Dave separately gets stuck with Ian Hawke in a pellican suit. Baixar Crack Do Jogo Wings Of Prey.
On vacation aboard a luxury cruise ship, Alvin, Simon, Theodore and the Chipettes are up to their usual.
Running time 87 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $80 million Box office $342.7 million Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked is a 2011 American / directed. It is the third installment in the film series following the 2009 film, which was a to the 2007 film. The film stars, and with the voices of,,,, and. It was distributed by and produced by, and Bagdasarian Company. The film was released on December 16, 2011. A fourth film,, was released on December 18, 2015.
The film grossed $343 million on a $80 million budget. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Plot [ ],, and, go on a vacation on a. The Chipmunks and the Chipettes, and especially Alvin, end up creating pandemonium. Later that night, after Dave leaves to eat at the captain's table and apologize for Alvin's behavior, Alvin sneaks out to the ship's casino, followed by Simon, who hopes to keep Alvin out of further exposure; meanwhile the Chipettes go to the ship's dance club, leaving Theodore alone in the room, watching an unsuitable monster movie.
Dave discovers that his old boss,, is working as the ship's safety monitor dressed as a pelican, and is out to inform the captain if the Chipmunks and Chipettes cause more problems. Simon and Alvin are eventually caught in the casino, and are brought back to the room, along with the Chipettes, and all are accused by Dave for not being trustworthy. The next day, Alvin goes para-sailing on a kite, but the kite flies away with him and the other Chipmunks. Dave goes on a hang-glider to find them but Ian attempts to stop him, and they both end up in the. Meanwhile, the Chipmunks find an island, and they sleep for the night. Dave enlists Ian's help to find the same island and begin looking for the Chipmunks. The next morning, the Chipmunks go and find food and while doing so, an island castaway named shows up and sees the Chipmunks and Chipettes for the first time.
They then go to Zoe's tree house, where Eleanor sprains her ankle after falling off a zip line, and Simon gets bitten by a, the side effects including personality changes and loss of inhibition. The morning after, everyone observes Simon's personality has changed, and he has no memory of being Simon; he also thinks he is a adventurous chipmunk named Simone.
'Simone' becomes attracted to Jeanette, but does not take as kindly to Alvin and Brittany. Later, Zoe takes Simone, Jeanette, Eleanor, and Theodore to a lake with a waterfall, and Simone finds a cave. He returns with a gold bracelet which he gives to Jeanette as a crown.
Brittany and Alvin, having become the 'responsible' ones, see an active volcano the next day, and they decide that they have to leave the island with the others. Theodore and 'Simone' find Dave and Ian, and they go to meet with the other chipmunks. With Alvin and Brittany in charge, they are all assigned jobs to build a raft to leave the island. When Jeanette and 'Simone' go and look for food, 'Simone' is knocked unconscious, and Jeanette is kidnapped; 'Simone' reverts to Simon afterward. Everyone finds Simon awake, and he cannot remember anything since the change. Borderlands Goty Crack 1.4.1. They discover that Zoe has taken Jeanette, and they head towards the waterfall.