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Autocad Remove Unused Annotation Scales

Purge Annotation Scales Autocad

Jan 14, 2009 Hello all. First time posting here. Great community though. I have learned a lot. I have two questions. Download Star Trek The Birth Of The Federation Patch on this page. When I have a annotative block that exists on multiple scales. Annotation scale is used to determine text height or the overall scale of an annotation object. The approach used to calculate an annotation scale depends on whether. Choosing everything in the list will delete only unused scales. If you want to purge your list, that would be the best practice. 'Next, tell AutoCAD to hide scales within attached files (xrefs) by going to the lower-right corner of your AutoCAD window and clicking on Hide Xref scales, as seen iat the bottom of the screen shot below. Delete all annotation scales but current. The -PURGE command should delete any unused. Delete multiple annotation scales in one viewport?

Note: You cannot set the annotation scale used for this drawing here. The annotation scale determines how many drawing units in the drawing represent one inch (for imperial drawings) or one millimeter (for metric drawings) in the plotted drawing. A drawing scale of 1/8”=1’-0” (or 1:96 - eight eighths per inch times 12 inches per foot) in a drawing that has inches as default drawing units means that 8 feet in the drawing are represented by 1 inch on the plotted out plan. Likewise, if a drawing has a scale of 1:200 and a drawing unit of millimeters, then 200 millimeters in the drawing will be represented by one millimeter on the plotted out plan. Annotation plot size, multiplied by the scale factor, determines the height of plotted annotation text. Scale-dependent objects in a drawing are scaled automatically upon insertion to reflect the units that are specified in a drawing. Any content that you create can be built to take advantage of these settings and is thus scaled appropriately.

Autocad 2017 Annotation Scale
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