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Castlevania Adventure Rebirth

Castlevania Adventure Rebirth Stage 2

• Summary: [WiiWare] Another 100 years have passed since the death of Count Dracula, but his curse has emerged once again within the realms of Transylvania. Play the role of the ultimate gothic hero from the long lineage of vampire hunters, the Belmont clan, and rid the universe of Dracula's legion of [WiiWare] Another 100 years have passed since the death of Count Dracula, but his curse has emerged once again within the realms of Transylvania. Play the role of the ultimate gothic hero from the long lineage of vampire hunters, the Belmont clan, and rid the universe of Dracula's legion of darkness and doom. Based on the classic 1989 original Castlevania: The Adventure, this WiiWare version will allow players of a new generation - and older fans - to experience one of the most popular games within the storied Castlevania timeline from a new perspective. Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth isn't the best installment of the series, but it's also far from the worst. Longtime series fans craving a new 2D adventure like myself will be pleased by it, but newcomers probably won't get much out of it. While the graphics are impressive, the clunky jumping controls and slow gameplay will certainly turn them away.

I love the idea behind the Rebirth series, and hope that Konami continues with them for other series, but this entry left something to be desired. Airsoft Guns Kansas City there. I have to say Castlevania is one of my favorite franchises and looking at a new game on the wii is refreshing. This is basically a remake of I have to say Castlevania is one of my favorite franchises and looking at a new game on the wii is refreshing. This is basically a remake of the game Castlevania: The Adventure which I never had the chance to play but it is good to know there was and remake and that there are plans of making 'ReBirth' versions of many classic games.

This plays as any other castlevania game with a Belmont as the main character which was a refreshing feel as a lover of this franchise. Simple Backup. The level design is also great yet less 'open world' than other games in the franchise. The difficulty is also like before, this game is challenging which I love because more recent castlevania games have become too easy in my opinion.

The enemy design is also great and the classic graphics do the job. However, I did miss the song 'Bloody Tears' I wonder why it as not put there. In the end this is one of the best wiiware titles and completely worth purchasing. Remember WiiWare, Nintendo's underappreciated download service for Wii games? Konami put out a short 'rebirth' series on WiiWare with remakes Remember WiiWare, Nintendo's underappreciated download service for Wii games?

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