Cpm-100 Windows 7 Driver
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GENERAL driver 'MAX USB_DEVICE_(CPM-100)' last review: - DOWNLOAD THE DRIVER NOW! Install for FREE! Get all the reviews + info + installation tips. Use the links on this page to download the latest drivers for your MAX USB_DEVICE_DRIVER(CPM-100) from our share libs.
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Features Thermal print and vinyl-cutting technology CPM-100E can print, then cut out labels in any shape. In a single process, CPM-100E prints and then cuts out, to produce exactly what you want! Easy operation The CPM-100E comes complete with dedicated 'Bepop PC' Software. This powerful application enables you to quickly and easily design labels on your PC. The software includes pre-defined templates and a comprehensive symbols gallery, to bring a professional look to your designs. Sequential Numbering Designs can automatically include sequenced numbers using variable increments.
Database Link Information from database saved in CSV format, can be linked directly to your label designs. Other software feature include; • Use any True Type font installed on your PC • In addition to the built-in clip art gallery, you can download more symbols free of charge, from our web site. Logo's and other graphics can easily be imported, edited and converted. • Excellent table-design facility • Text can be curved, arched, mirrored, slanted, reversed, italicized, condensed, extended and framed. • 10 major bar code languages built-in.

• Copy, paste and print elements from other software applications such as Illustrator. • Printed text can automatically be contour-cut, with a totally adjustable border size. Standard Supplies for the CPM-100E Bepop sheets MAX exclusive perforated vinyl sheet Available Colors Color sheets PET sheets Fluorescent sheets (Cutting only) Special material sheets (Printing only) Phosphorescent sheet (Unprintable) Package: 4 rolls per carton Size: 110mm x 10m, (4'-3/8 x 32-13/16') Please contact your local dealer for availability of colors.
Bepop ink ribbons MAX exclusive ink ribbon Available Colors Package: 4 rolls per carton Size: 120mm x 50m, (4'-3/4 x 164') Please contact your local dealer for availability of colors.