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Driver For Pfaff 2144 Usb Cable


Hello, I am frustrated. My wife has a Pfaff 2140 embroidery m/c. She has bought a new Laptop which does not have a serial port. So I got a generic Adapter Serial to Usb. The m/c has PC Communication card with a 9 pin serial.

I have loaded the drivers for a Prolific Adapter. Then I closed down and restarted with the M/c connected to the laptop using the Usb. No communication was the message I received. I have determined that the port on the laptop used by the Laptop driver is com(7). I do not know which port the m/c wants. Although someone my wife spoke to says the m/c wants com(4). How can I achieve the connection between Laptop and m/c?

Pfaff 2144 Price

Download Exp Computer USB PC Linq cable Windows Drivers. Fixing the missing drivers for the Pfaff 2170 USB cable. Pfaff Creative All Fabric Hoop 130 x 130 2170 2144 2140 quick release embroidery.

Driver For Pfaff 2144 Usb Cable

Please make me happy. I asked as i was wondering if perhaps the difference was the computer that works was running XP and the other might be running Vista or something else. As for further support though (beyond the generic info about configuring COM ports). It sounds like some of your problem may be specific to Pfaff and their software and drivers (which i'm not familiar with). It might be best to find the answers about the Pfafff m/c, software and drivers among other Pfaff users. You might try >joining the >Look for other groups by Googling pfaff user groups >Or see if any related posts make sense for your specific situation by Googling something like pfaff 2140 com usb port Hope some of this helps Good luck!

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