Fire Pro Wrestling Returns Pcsx2

Today announced that it will be publishing Fire Pro Wrestling Returns for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. Previously released only for the Game Boy Advance in North America, this will mark the first time the acclaimed series will be available on PlayStation 2 system in this country without visiting an importer. Since 1989, the Fire Pro Wrestling series has been considered the gameplay benchmark that all other wrestling titles are compared to in Japan. Agetec's localization of Fire Pro Wrestling Returns for PlayStation 2 system-- considered by fans to be the best of the entire series -- will finally give gamers who have been hearing about this series for years the chance to experience its unparalleled depth and customization. Automapa Android 1.42 Crack more.
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'We have been working for years to bring the Fire Pro series to North America,' said Mark Johnson, producer for Agetec, Inc. 'Now that we're finally cleared to publish the game, the real work begins. We're doing everything we can to make sure the game is translated successfully without taking away one iota from the gameplay that's made this Fire Pro a fan favorite.' Fire Pro Wrestling Returns will be released for the PlayStation 2 system in North America in during the holiday season of this year.