Game Of Thrones Intro Midi

The table above provides detailed information about the Game_of_Thrones_Theme.mid file. Tunein Radio For Windows 7 there. The waveform image is automatically generated after the midi file has been converted by analyzing the resulting mp3 file. Game of Thrones.midi. Game of Thrones.midi.
Help Me Choose – MIDI Songs Every version of a Yamaha MIDI Song or Style File is optimized for specific instrument models to take full advantage of their unique sounds, effects, and other features. While playback on other models is possible, these versions are designed to sound best on their recommended models. • General Midi (GM) Works on any instrument or computer software that can play back a standard MIDI File. Uses 128 basic instrument sounds that conform to the General MIDI standard.
Does not contain lyrics and chords. • XA Optimized for PSR-2100/2000, PSR-1500 PSR-1100/1000, PSR-S550/500 and Clavinova CVP- 200 series, CVP-303, 301, 401 and 501. Includes some XG and GM information. Does not display chords and lyrics.
• XT Optimized for Tyros 1, PSR-3000, PSR-S710/700, PSR-S900, A-2000 and Clavinova CVP-601, 503, 405 and CVP-309. Includes XF and some XG information. Includes chords and lyrics on your instruments display.
• XT2 Includes chords and lyrics on your instrument's display and controls Vocal Harmony. Harvard Dali Led Driver/ Download Preactivated Version here. Optimized for Tyros 2 and 3, PSR-S750/S910 and Clavinova CVP-505 and 409 models. • XT3 Includes chords and lyrics on your instrument's display and controls Vocal Harmony. Optimized for Tyros 3, PSR-S950 and Clavinova CVP-701 and 605 models. • XT4 Includes chords and lyrics on your instrument's display and controls Vocal Harmony. Optimized for Tyros 4, and Clavinova CVP-705, 609 and 509 models. • XT5 Includes chords and lyrics on your instrument's display and controls Vocal Harmony.
Optimized for Tyros 5, and Clavinova CVP-709 models.
GMIDI: Game of Thrones Theme (Demo) AUTHOR: Gary Wachtel( ) EQUIPMENT: MIDI Interface & Multitimbral Synth, orMIDI-Compatible Sound Card NEEDS: MIDI Sequencer Software or.MID File Player Total Instruments: 7 + Drums Playing Time: 1:02 Sequenced For: General MIDI Type: Standard MIDI (Type 1) Original Arrangement: This is a demonstrationversion of an Orchestral arrangement of the Theme from the HBO Series'.' Music by Ramin Djawadi.
Original arrangement by Larry Moore. Allparts were individually scored for String Orchestra using & Sequencing Software, and a X5DR Synthesizer.
You can obtain thecomplete version of this sequence by taking out a subscription to the area. Note: This sequence can beused with non-GM synths by loading it into a sequencer andre-assigning the Program Change and MIDI Channel data to meet therequirements of your equipment.
Dynasty Warriors 5 Special Pc more. Havingtrouble downloading? Thissequence is Copyright ©2014 by Blue Max Distribution All Rights Reserved - For Non-Commercial Use Only Click Your Browser's BACK Button, or to Guest MIDI Library.