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The Lord Of The Rings The Trilogy

Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

The Lord of the Rings trilogy marked a return to the Shire for Bilbo actor Ian Holm, who in a 1981 radio dramatization of The Lord of the Rings, which was broadcast on BBC Radio 4. His performance in that factored into Jackson’s decision to offer him the Bilbo role. CHRISTOPHER LEE WANTED TO PLAY GANDALF. The late Christopher Lee was a Lord of the Rings superfan who actually met J. Game Petualangan Buat Hp Samsung Champ there. R.R. Tolkien (“I was very much in awe of him, as you can imagine,” ) and wanted to robe up as Gandalf, a role that eventually went to Sir Ian McKellen. (Lee himself admitted that, by the time the movies came around, he was “too old” for the action-heavy role.) Lee even played a wizard in the TV series The New Adventures of Robin Hood specifically “to show anyone who was watching that I could play a wizard and that I would be ideal casting for The Lord of the Rings.” He sent Jackson a picture of himself in wizard duds, though “it was more in the nature of a joke, really.

One does not simply walk into Mordor. Experience the epic journey in stunning HD with The Lord of the Rings Trilogy on Blu-ray. The Lord of the Rings. The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, but eventually developed into a much larger work. Cover of the 50th Anniversary One-Volume Edition. The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by J. Tolkien, which was later fitted as a trilogy. A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-earth from the Dark Lord Sauron.

It wasn’t me putting myself forward at all, because I think Peter had already made up his mind” to cast him as the wizard Saruman. BOB WEINSTEIN REALLY WANTED TO KILL A HOBBIT. Early on in the development process, before it found its eventual home at New Line Cinema, The Lord of the Rings trilogy was being made at Miramax with Harvey and Bob Weinstein. As Peter Jackson would later recall, Bob Weinstein really, really thought one of the four main Hobbits should die: “‘Well, we can’t have [all of them surviving],’ he said, ‘we’ve got to kill a Hobbit! I don’t care which one; you can pick—I’m not telling you who it should be: you pick out who you want to kill, but we’ve really got to kill one of those Hobbits!’ In situations like that, you just nod and smile and say, ‘Well, that’s something we can consider.’” 11. SEAN BEAN TREKKED UP A MOUNTAIN IN COSTUME. Sean Bean typically opted against taking a helicopter up to some of The Fellowship of the Ring’s mountain filming locations, instead climbing to sets himself in full Boromir gear.

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