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Westinghouse J34 Manual

Westinghouse J34 Maintenance Manual

The Westinghouse J34 was a turbojet engine developed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation's Aviation Gas Turbine Division in the late 1940s. Essentially an enlarged version of the earlier Westinghouse J30, the J34 produced 3,000 pounds of thrust, twice as much as the J30. Later models produced as much as 4,900 pounds with the addition of an afterburner. The engine was first used for flight in 1947. This photograph was likely taken at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in the early 2000s.

Originally called the Westinghouse Electric Company, George Westinghouse (1846-1914) founded his manufacturing company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on January 8, 1886. In 1889, he renamed his business The Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. Westinghouse's primary products include turbines, generators, motors and switchgear related to the generation, transmission, and use of electricity. Zbrush R7 Key Activater For Mac.

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