Carlyle Compressor Serial Numbers
Provide model numbers for all their compressor parts. Model numbers are used when selecting and ordering a new compressor. It helps distributors in finding the right compressor part by using the model number to obtain a proper service replacement. Carlyle Compressor parts distributors and parts dealers offer a wide range of parts to meet your needs. The extensive Carlyle compressor parts breakdown parts list include spare parts for your compressors like Valves, Crankshaft Heaters, Protection Modules, Oil Pumps, Valves Plates, Gaskets, Mounting Springs, Crankcase Heater Casing, Heater Casing and Adaptor Gasket, Center Bearing, Crankcase Heater Relay, Machine Screw, Cylinder Head, Suction Strainer Gasket, Cylinder Sleeve Snap Ring, Oil Suction Tube Gasket, Internal Relief Valve, Regulator Valve Gasket, Shaft Seal Package, and Pump-Cover Gasket.

CARLYLE SEMI-HERME TIC COMPRESSORS GUIDE TO 06D PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Notes: 1. Models ending with “ARP” are intended for CCRP distributors. Copeland Date Codes. Digits in the serial number are the year of manufacture. Stroll Technologies was a joint venture between Carlyle Compressors. How do i read the serial number on a carrier compressor to see. The compressor will be a Carlyle. We are looking for a new unit with this model number to. 3ds Max 2015 Keygen For Hex.
• SERVICE GUIDE 06D/06E/06CC COMPRESSORS. • WHAT THIS GUIDE CAN DO FOR YOU Carlyle Compressor Company provides this guide to aid the service specialist in proper installation, service, and maintenance of 06D, E, CC compressors. Following the procedures in this guide will extend the life of the system and improve performance. • Exploded View — 6-Cylinder 06D Compressor.56 Exploded View — 6-Cylinder 06E Compressor.58 2.10 Torque Guide –– 06D and 06CC (16 to 37 Cfm) Compressors. 60 2.11 Torque Guide –– 06E and 06CC (50 to 99 Cfm) Compressors. 61 3.0 COMPRESSOR AND PARTS DATA.
• 3.20 Service Valve Gaskets (06D, E, CC).. 90 3.21 Oil Drain Plug Adapter..91 3.22 Sight Glass Adapters for Oil Equalization.91 3.23 Replacement Sight Glass/Installation Tool.91 3.24 Replacement Motor End Mounting Foot.91 3.25 Gaskets –– Cylinder Head and Valve Plate.92 3.26 Miscellaneous.. • 1.0 — GENERAL COMPRESSOR AND CUSTOMER INFORMATION 1.1 — Compressor Model Number Significance 06D COMPRESSORS 06DR 3 37 0 D A 36 5 A – (RP)** Model = 0, Package = 1 or 9, A = Shipped Without Oil Oil and Refrigeration (06DR, DM) Unloading Variable. • 06E COMPRESSORS 06ER 3 99 3 0 A – (RP)** Model = 0, Package = 1 or 9, A = Shipped Without Oil Design Variable: New Compressors: 0 = OEM Model 1 = Carrier A/C Model 2 = Old Design Refrigeration Valve Plates 6 = Carrier A/C Model 9 = Cemak Model S = Oil Sensor Block and OPSS Sensor. • NOTE: USE OF “Cfm” AS MODEL SIZE DESIGNATION Carlyle uses the “Cfm” designation in the model number to identify the compressor size. The Cfm values are the sixth and seventh digits of the model number. See example above.
Carlyle offers two series of compressors based on body size. • UL (Underwriters Labo- ratory) and CSA (Canadian Standards Association). All 60 Hz semi-hermetic Carlyle Compressors are UL and CSA recognized and comply with UL, CSA, and NEC (National Electrical Code) requirements for internal motor protection. • SERIAL NUMBER BAR CODE - For Carlyle internal use only. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - Are shown for all semi-hermetic compressors.

Voltages are shown with respective operating ranges for both 50 and 60 cycle opera- tion. • 1.3 — Compressor Serial Number Significance ALL NEW COMPRESSORS Example: S/N 3695J00123 36 95 J 00123 Numerical Sequence Plant Location: J = Syracuse, U = Atlanta Year of Manufacture: 93, 94, 95, etc. Week of Manufacture: 01 thru 52 Begin Jan.1st ALL SERVICE COMPRESSORS Example: S/N 3602UD0123 36 02 U D 0123. • Equipment may carry an extended OEM warranty if that warranty has been purchased from the OEM.
The OEM issues the extended warranty, not Carlyle or its distributors, and the OEM is responsible for providing the end user with the credit. • OEM or the OEM’s local representative. If questions cannot be answered by the OEM or this Service Guide, please contact the Carlyle engineering group.
The following recommended start-up procedure for Carlyle 06D, 06E, and 06CC compressors will help eliminate initial. • 2.2 — Recommended Start-Up Procedure Reliability data of Carlyle’s 06D, 06E, and 06CC refrigera- tion compressors indicate that at least half of compressor failures occur during the first two to four months of opera- tion. • Carlyle ships most new and service compressors without oil. The oil level for 06CC size 16 to 37 Cfm compressors and all 06D compressors should be at 1/4 to 3/4 of the sight glass.