Pokemon Fire Red Backwards Edition Rom
Have you ever thought that Pokemon Fire Red lacks the replay value it deserves? Then try the entire game backwards in Pokemon Fire Red: Backwards Edition! Download the Pokemon Red Version (USA/Europe) ROM for Gameboy Color/GBC. Filename: Pokemon - Red Version (UE)[!].zip. Works with Android, PC/Windows, and Mac OS X.

The maps and scr ipts are altered in a way that makes the player go through the gyms in the following order: Cinnabar >Fuchsia >Saffron >Celadon >Vermillion >Cerulean >Pewter >Viridian. Additionally, there are other changes: - Many Pokemon have been buffed. Download Guiminer-scrypt Litecoin Mining Software For Windows. In particular, plenty of bugs are stronger. - Some gym leader TMs have been changed so you don't get overpowered moves early. - Some typings have been changed.
Not many, though. - Surf has been given a lower base power.
- Cut has been given a higher base power and made steel type. - Naturally, every trainer has been changed. - Wild Pokemon have beenc changed as well. This hack has nearly every Pokemon between Gens I and III, with the exception of legendaries and a few others.
- 'Teleport' is now a psychic type explosion. - Pokemon appear in puddles, like Gen V. - There is a postgame, so be sure to make your file saves without savestates. Etica Adolfo Sanchez Vazquez Pdf.
A few possible bugs: - The move 'Strength' has broken. It is now 100 pp with no typing. It uses the user's special attack stat. - In Pallet, the rival doesn't grab the Pokemon he ends up using, if you pay enough attention. - The move 'Rock Tomb' causes the game to crash.
No Pokemon can learn it, but one trainer's Pokemon has metronome and may use it. Tachosoft Mileage Calculator. - The map doesn't correspond to the routes aesthetically. - Moltres doesn't disappear if you catch it, but it does if you kill it.
- Some tiles in Saffron, the swamp, and Diglett's cave are clear when they should not be. - The rival grabs his Pokemon from the wrong spot. - At a certain point in the postgame, you can go to Two and Three Island. The islands haven't been altered, so if you explore, anything could happen. Also, if the PCs stops working, fly to Vermillion and go to Three Isle Port to fix it. Pokemon Fire Red - Backwards Edition Review by: - 9.5/10 Pokemon FireRed - Backwards Edition [REVIEW] Graphics and Sprites There's not much to say about the graphics to be honest, it's just like in every Pokemon game. Their focused on pixels, but the sprites for certain Pokemon have different colors, what i mean by that, is that the colors are either brighter, or darker.
Same with the places, a good example are some gyms. But that's not a huge problem i guess, there's no glitches or errors in the sprites so far, from what i see/know. Sound and Music The sound and music hasn't changed, and i'm guessing it would stay the same, since this isn't a big hack. The tempo of the music is fine, there's no errors, battle music is fine, all the sound and music is perfect. But in my opinion, i think the battle music should be a little faster, since it'll make the battles more intense. But this is just an opinion. On the other hand, there's not much to say about sound, it's good.